Serving community well

When we just started our journey back in 2011 or so as a family business we really did not know much how to serve other people through our business. We constantly had bumps and bruises throughout the process of making our customers “happy’. Because we were always running many different races with just a few people in our team. And we would have different social projects on a side. Until one day we were hit that technically we can combine our passion to help community and run business at the same time. We started with the idea to remodel our location with the same theme: industrial chic…

to be continued…


We have a very special deal for our customers which we would recommend trying at least ones – SUBSCRIPTION!

We have three rates which you can easily adjust to your family needs. $99 dollars a month is good for the single person or for small family of two/three people, it’s up to 75Lb of laundry per month can be processed through our company.

Another option would be $199/Mo. which is designed for small families. Includes up to 150Lb of laundry.

$299 dollars per month is perfect for large families and those who go through a lot of bedding and towels.  We could generate up to 500Lb per month.

All questions can be answered through the phone 252-LAUNDRY